
The FEMA Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Accreditation and Certification Program (PS-Prep) is new set of standards adopted by FEMA to encourage private sector preparedness among large corporations, small to medium-sized businesses , and non-profit organizations.

Elements of the standards include:

1. Program Policies and Management
  • Develop policy, vision and mission statements.
  • Devote appropriate personnel and financial resources. 
  • Assign an individual with appropriate authority to lead the preparedness efforts
2. Analysis
  • Evaluate legal, statutory, regulatory and industry best practices, as well as other requirements.
  • Define and document the scope of the preparedness program.
  • Conduct a risk assessment and impact analysis.
3. Planning
  • Prevention and mitigation
  • Incident management
  • Resource management and logistics
  • Training
  • Testing and evaluation
  • Records management

What is the goal of PS-Prep?
The goal of the program is to build awareness and give private sector organizations of all sizes the ability to protect themselves against the effects of any type of disruption. Overall, the program offers momentum for businesses to begin preparedness efforts.  

What does PS-Prep mean for your organization? 
At this time, the final answer remains an unknown as the program is in the early stages of development. The interim answer is regardless of this initiative, your business is vulnerable to many hazards and by taking actions to prepare and plan for the unexpected, you are making a solid investment in your business.

To learn more, visit the PS-Prep Resource Center and download the PS-Prep Business Protection Toolkit.